Admissions Open 2024-25
Indore Institute of LawIndore Institute of Law

IQAC Minutes

IQAC Minutes

IQAC Minutes

At Indore Institute of Law, Internal Quality Assurance cell (IQAC) is sincerely working for Quality Assurance and is monitoring the Quality Enhancement initiatives in all the three pillars of the Institute i.e., Academic, Administration, & Finance. It is the supreme goal of the cell which ensures incessant working at Indore Institute of Law for all the Quality Enrichment Activities. The IQAC upholds meetings periodically which embodies every quintessential academic connotations of the institute and guarantees participative and decentralized management.


The Meeting-Minuets of IQAC are as follows:
Circular & Minutes of the Meeting 1
Circular & Minutes of the Meeting 2
Circular & Minutes of the Meeting 3
Circular & Minutes of the Meeting 4
Circular & Minutes of the Meeting 5
Circular & Minutes of the Meeting 6
Circular & Minutes of the Meeting 7
Circular & Minutes of the Meeting 8