As we move on from century of specialization and technique to century of connectivity and relationship along with every other profession and institution in our society, Law education is also being asked to justify its usefulness to society. Innovate or perish, invent and cherish has become the most frequently chanted mantra in the corporate world today. Be dynamic or die, is clear and simple call of time.
In the light of globalization of Indian economy and capitulation of Indian brands, it is imperative for future legal leaders to be aware of ground realities so that they can face with confidence the emerging global challenges of international markets and Society. This changing scenario of world has forced us to take the initiative in setting up the Law Institute in the heart of India.
The advent of ICON Education Society in the year 2003 was a small step towards this direction. The Society started with a small Law College for Youngsters, it has today emerged as a stronger body embedded with a Galaxy of 3 Institutes of high repute, christened together as Idyllic Institute of Management, Indore Nursing College Group of Institutions and spread in 7 Acres campuses around Indore City. In this competitive and dynamic environment, the Law and Management education needs to prepare students, who will be our future Lawyers and Managers, with a new perspective on the emerging issues in Law field and Management.
Based on the strong foundation of Ethics, Positivism, Passion and Excellence, IIL is destined to prepare its students intellectually to stand up, speak out and achieve in all walks of life in the competitive world. I dedicate this outcome to the young aspiring students of the country and present the concise version to them. I firmly believe and am confident that they will find the information contained in most useful and relevant to career development in the field of Law.